We hereby establish Yokohama Urban Solution Alliance (YUSA) to further enhance the collaboration with Yokohama City and for the public and private sectors to jointly engage in the Y-PORT initiative.
Due to rapid urbanization, emerging nations including Asian countries now face development challenges such as environmental pollution and insufficient infrastructure. In light of these urban development issues and the growing demand for infrastructure development in these emerging countries, Yokohama Partnership of Resource and Technologies (Y-PORT) was established by Yokohama City in collaboration with the private sector, as an international technological cooperation project which can contribute towards the creation of new opportunities for infrastructure business development in foreign countries. In 2015, “Y-PORT Center” was established as a platform to further promote the Y-PORT initiative, and many companies have since engaged in overseas projects on sustainable urban development through their participation in Y-PORT Center. Following the increase in projects achieved through Y-PORT Center, it became clear that organizational improvement was required to provide specialized expertise and assurance of continuity. Hence Yokohama City implemented a policy to strengthen the function of Y-PORT Center, leading to the establishment of YUSA.
Acting in concert with these movements created by Yokohama City, YUSA aims to contribute towards creating new business opportunities as well as providing solutions to urban development issues in emerging countries through project formulation utilizing funds from the Japanese government as well as multilateral development organizations, providing information on overseas infrastructure business, and promoting the technical capabilities of private companies to overseas markets.